Gaudi Furniture Collection

Gaudi Furniture Collection

There are 56 products.

Showing 1-56 of 56 item(s)

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Batllo Bench Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Batllo Bench...
The Batllo double bench is an exact reproduction of the bench that the brilliant...
Calvet frame Original Reproduction-Large
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Large Calvet...
The Calvet mirror is an exact reproduction of the mirror that the brilliant architect...
Calvet Bench Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Calvet Bench...
The Calvet bench is an exact reproduction of the bench that the brilliant architect...
Batllo Chair  Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Batllo Chair...
The Batllo chair is an exact reproduction of the chair that the brilliant architect...
Calvet chair Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Calvet Chair...
The Calvet chair is an exact reproduction of the chair that the brilliant architect...
Gilding Calvet Mirror - Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Large Gilding...
The Gilding Calvet mirror is an exact reproduction of the mirror that the brilliant...
Round plate with keyhole
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Round plate...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €12.50
Gilding Calvet Mirror - Medium
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Gilding Calvet...
The Gilding Calvet mirror is an exact reproduction of the mirror that the brilliant...
Batllo Table Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Gaudi Batllo...
The Batlló table is an exact reproduction of the table that the brilliant architect...
Calvet knob
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Calvet knob
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €2,445.00
Gaudí Drawer Knob
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Gaudi Drawer Knob
Finished in polished brilliant brass and glaze.
Price €186.00
Modernist Drawer Knob
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Modernist...
Finished in polished brilliant brass and glaze.
Price €186.00
Disco interior de la mirilla de plancha
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Inner Disc of...
Brass cast, hand-polished.
Price €113.00
Milà Ear
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Milà Ear
A permanent reminder of daily use that will bring you to the world of Gaudi and...
Price €77.00
Batllo House Knob
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Batlló House Knob
Collection of handles and knobs designed by Gaudi for the Casa Batllo and Casa Mila in...
Price €72.00
Timbre modernista
modernist-bells Modernist bell
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €77.75
Mila Handle
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Mila House Handle
Collection of handles and knobs designed by Gaudí's Casa Batlló and Casa Mila in...
Price €81.00
Gaudí Bow
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Gaudí Bow
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €94.00
 Percha Americana
gaudi-knobs-and-handles American coat hook
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €155.00
Percha Modernista
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Modernist Coat...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €158.00
Asa puerta modernista
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Modernist door...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €130.00
Timbre espectacular
modernist-bells Spectacular bell
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €127.50
Picaporte trebol
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Clover door knock
A permanent reminder of daily use that you bring to the world of Gaudí and prestige to...
Price €142.00
Gaudí Door Handle
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Gaudí Door Handle
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €156.00
Sillón Calvet Reproducción Original
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Calvet Armchair...
The Calvet armchair is an exact reproduction of the armchair that the brilliant...
Percha Molina
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Molina Coat Hook
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €153.00
Spectacular Peephole Interior Disk
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Spectacular...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €196.00
Mirilla trebol
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Clover-shaped...
A permanent memory of everyday use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudí and...
Price €262.00
Calvet interior door handle
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Calvet interior...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €286.00
Modernist Peephole
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Modernist Peephole
A permanent memory of everyday use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudí and...
Price €328.00
Placa timbre puntas iguales
modernist-bells Same corners...
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €316.00
Picaporte modernista
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Modernist door...
A permanent reminder of daily use that you bring to the world of Gaudí and prestige to...
Price €433.00
Placa timbre puntas diferentes
modernist-bells Diferent...
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €479.00
Mirilla espectacular
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Spectacular...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €500.00
Placa timbre Bernat
modernist-bells Bernat bell board
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €673.00
Picaporte Bernat
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Bernat door...
A permanent reminder of daily use that you bring to the world of Gaudí and prestige to...
Price €741.00
Placa timbre Gran via
modernist-bells Gran via bell...
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €792.00
Placa timbre Bruna
modernist-bells Bruna bell board
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €792.00
Picaporte señora
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Lady door knocker
A permanent reminder of daily use that you bring to the world of Gaudí and prestige to...
Price €981.00
Door Spyhole Calvet
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Calvet House...
Door spyhole designed by Antoni Gaudí for the Casa Calvet in Barcelona.
Price €1,285.00
Calvet Door Handle
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Calvet House...
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €1,285.00
Picaporte Diadema
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Diadem door...
A permanent reminder of daily use that you bring to the world of Gaudí and prestige to...
Price €1,260.00
Placa timbre señora
modernist-bells Lady bell board
A permanent remembrance of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €1,715.00
Placa timbre ascensor
modernist-bells Lift bell board
A permanent reminder of daily use that will bring you closer to the world of Gaudi...
Price €1,980.00
Batllo Drawer Knob
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Batlló House...
A permanent reminder of daily use you to bring world of Gaudi and prestige to decorate...
Price €186.00
Batlló Bench Mini
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Batlló Bench...
This 1:6 scale miniature is a precise reproduction of the distinctive Batlló double...
Price €94.00
Batlló Chair Mini
  • New
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Batlló Chair...
This piece is an extact replica of the real Batlló chair designed by Antoni Gaudí, in...
Price €68.00
Mila Knob
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Mila House Knob
Collection of handles and knobs designed by Gaudí's Casa Batlló and Casa Mila in...
Price €72.00
Batlló Crutch
gaudi-knobs-and-handles Batlló Crutch
These pieces have been reproduced with precision and accuracy by taking the casts from...
Price €58.00
Calvet Frame - Medium
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Calvet Gaudi...
The Calvet mirror is an exact reproduction of the mirror that the brilliant architect...
Calvet Stool Original Reproduction
gaudi-furniture-original-reproductions Calvet Stool...
The Calvet stool is an exact reproduction of the stool that the brilliant architect...
Miniatura Taburete Calvet en plata
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Calvet Stool...
Silver Stool designed for the Casa Calvet. Hand made in silver.
Price €150.00
Calvet Armchair Miniature In Silver
  • New
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Calvet Armchair...
Replica in miniature of the contemporary armchair designed by Gaudí for Casa Calvet....
Price €205.00
Miniatura Banco Casa Calvet en plata
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Calvet Bench...
Miniature of the 2-3 seater sofa that presides over the Casa Calvet meeting room...
Price €324.00
Calvet Chair Miniature in Wood
  • New
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Calvet Chair...
This piece is an extact replica of the real Calvet chair designed by Antoni Gaudí, in...
Price €105.00
Calvet Bench Miniature in Wood
  • New
miniatures-gaudi-furniture Calvet Bench...
This piece is an extact replica of the real Calvet bench designed by Antoni Gaudí, in...
Price €140.00

Gaudí & Barcelona Shop